Black & White 35 MM prints from my Dark Room…

Digital Sepiaa Toned….. Circa 1990s

Digital Sepiaa Toned….. Circa 1990s

Tri-X 400 ISO Film Look….. Circa 1990s

Tri-X 400 ISO Film Look….. Circa 1990s

Mr Denmark and Daughter circa 1990s

Mr Denmark and Daughter circa 1990s

Rick Youngbird… Lead Guitarist for the Paisley’s Circa 1990s

Rick Youngbird… Lead Guitarist for the Paisley’s Circa 1990s

Stacy Hand Colorized to capture her eyes Circa 1990s

Stacy Hand Colorized to capture her eyes Circa 1990s

The Kis SMA rsz.jpg
Jeff on Synthesizer for Recording tracks in St Paul…. Digitally Edited and Hand Colored

Jeff on Synthesizer for Recording tracks in St Paul…. Digitally Edited and Hand Colored

Crystal… Digitally Designed and Hand Colored

Crystal… Digitally Designed and Hand Colored